- Testing with Windows 10 (Technical Preview)
- Scanning fixes to makes/models of scanner
- Better PDF compatibility for PDF Open function
- Minor fixes
5.1.2 - 5.3.3
- Automatic scan cleanup to improve OCR quality
- Twain scanning fixes to stop freezing on some makes/models of scanner
- Windows 8.1 testing
- Changed automatic updater to direct the user to our download page becauase the updater.exe was getting flagged as a false positive with a couple of AV engines
- Minor bug fixes
4.0.1 - 4.7.0
- Multi page Twain Scanning
- OCR whole document in one go
- Uses Tesseract V3 for higher accuracy and ability to recognize text columns
- Windows 8 compatible
- Automatic updater
- Text post processing
- FreeOCR V4 Now includes the following languages:
Eng - English, Dan - Danish, Deu - German, Fin - Finnish, Fra - French, Ita - Italian, Nld - Dutch, Nor - Norway, Pol - Poland, Spa - Spanish and Swe - Swedish.