オールフリーソフトは最新のWindows OSで使えるフリーソフトを紹介します。
オールフリーソフトは最新のWindows OSで使えるフリーソフトを紹介します。
オールフリーソフト(トップ)文書テキスト・入力関連RJ TextEd→RJ TextEd - 更新履歴

RJ TextEd - 更新履歴


Terminal panel

  • Added syntax highlighting to the terminal panel, Ctrl click on paths and new toolbar items.

Explorer dropdown list

  • Added an explorer dropdown list in the toolbar. Select any folder to navigate to it inside the command window.


  • Added a new toolbar dropdown button to add and handle favorite folders.
  • This works exactly as Explorer panel favorites.

Auto compilation

  • Press Ctrl+space to open a completion list. Depending on caret position, the list either contain DOS and PS commands or all files and folders in the current directory. Directories are listed first and files listed below.
  • If you've started to type something - that is used to filter the items in the list.
  • Note! The TAB key now just insert a tab.

Terminal options

  • Set the font and size used.
  • Set colors for different syntax elements like numbers. strings...

Open a web address or file

  • Hold Ctrl and press left mouse over the link to open a web address.
  • Hold Ctrl and press left mouse over the file path to open it in the editor.
  • This may work with relative paths as well ('../scripts/config.inc.php').
  • The path is tested as relative to the currently open file, project default path or the current terminal path.

Insert clips or commands from dropdown list

  • Added a customizable dropdown list (combo box) in the toolbar of the terminal window. The list can have headers and items. Each item can have both a caption and details (the actual expanded command or clip).
  • Everything is stored in a file and can be opened with the edit button, next to the dropdown list.
  • The file contain all information needed to add new commands, clips and headers. There are several variables you can use with your commands.
  • E.g. "Change to document folder=cd <docDir><Enter>".
  • The list contain several example commands. You are encouraged to edit this file yourself and add commands you actually need.


  • A few very very small memory leaks.
  • Triple mouse click on last line.
  • Some Unicode/ANSI issues in the terminal window.


  • Markdown preview should display HTML code (tables, forms...) properly now.

Numbered bookmarks

  • Now, when you create a numbered bookmark - the top line offset is remembered.
  • If you create a bookmark [2] on line 100 and it's positioned 5 lines from the top, the position is remembered.
    Hitting Ctrl+2 will take you to the bookmark and make sure it's positioned 5 lines from the top.
  • Note that this only works with numbered bookmarks.


  • Customize user toolbar issue.

Visual changes

Made visual changes to all dialog windows throughout the program. Some minor and some more extensive.
Major changes have been made in:
  • Settings
  • Addons
  • Project settings
  • FTP profiles
  • FTP profile edit


  • Tag highlight issue.
  • Tag select issue.
  • List bookmarks (Shift+F2).
  • TAB key expansion in CSS only worked when the TAB key as abbreviation trigger was enabled.

CSS (LESS,SCSS) auto completion and hover hints

  • Made several improvements to auto completion when editing CSS files, and inside HTML style tags. Both Ctrl+space and other auto completions should work much better now.
  • Changed the icons used in the auto completion window.
  • Auto completion items and hints are now collected from a Json file (css.json).
  • It's the same file used in VSCode.

HTML auto completion and hover hints

  • Made several improvements to auto completion. Both Ctrl+space and other auto completions should work much better now.
  • Changed the icons used in the auto completion window.
  • All auto completion items and hint are collected from a Json file (Html.json).
  • It's the same file used in VSCode.


  • Added new menu item in the environment menu to export selected settings and program data to a zipped file.
  • Exporting settings can be used to make a backup, or copy your current settings to another computer.


  • Added new menu item in the environment menu to import selected settings and program data from a zipped file.
  • The program will restart after you've imported the data. This to make sure settings and data is properly loaded into the program.


  • Added support for EditorConfig files (.editorconfig).
  • Whenever the editor opens a file it looks for .editorconfig files in the current and parent folders. The files contain settings that override the editor settings. This is helpful when you share source between different environments (and developers).
  • You can turn this of in options, if you encounter some issues...

Tools menu

  • Added a menu item to help you create a new EditorConfig file. It lets you select items to include in your EditorConfig file. The current editor settings are then used as a template.
  • For more information about EditorConfig see https://editorconfig.org/

Word wrap

  • Added a right click context menu to the word wrap toolbar button.
  • The menu allows you to change wrap options, e.g. wrap at window edge/margin/column.

GML (GameMaker Language)

  • Added a new highlighter (syntax file) for GML code.


  • The "Preview" panel should now auto-update when editing Markdown files.
  • This didn't work in previous releases.


  • Fixed some highlighting issues.

Visual improvements

  • Made several small visual improvements.

Home (recent file list)

  • The file list should handle multi-select better and enable the user to open or remove several entries at once.

Linux Wine

  • The default settings should work better when first installing on a Linux machine using Wine.
  • Fixed a few visual issues and disabled the explorer panel and file commander.
  • They just don't work properly in Wine.


  • Text cursor blinking or disappearing issue.
  • A few replace issues.
  • JavaScript template literal highlighting issue.
  • Some display and update issues when creating a new file.
  • Some minor editor paint issues.
  • Find field issue with regular expressions.
  • Modify marks when doing a re-compare of active documents.
  • Select line issue (last line).

Customize themes dialog

  • Made some minor visual changes when you set individual highlighter settings.

Indent lines

  • Made some minor changes to fix High DPI issues when using dotted lines.

Help menu

  • Added a few new menu items.


  • A few theme issues when you create a new one based on the "Windows" theme.
  • Document map draw issues.
  • Structure highlighting flicker in some situations.
  • Label issues in options.


  • If a new update is available - a message button is displayed to the left of the search box, on the main window menu bar.
  • You can click on the message button to open the update dialog. The button then disappears. It also disappear when you restart the program.

Replace multiple expressions

  • Added a context menu with some new items to select or unselect all items in the list.
  • Double mouse click on an expression opens the expression in the edit window.

Debug options file

  • Moved the options file "DebugOptions.txt" to the "\Roaming\RJ TextEd\Data" folder.
  • It makes it easier to edit and both the output and options files are located in the same folder.


  • Word (identifier) highlighting in JavaScript files...
  • Changed how delay opened files are handled.


  • Unicode issue with recently closed file list.
  • Recently closed file list issues.
  • Jumping between lines in large files when document map is visible (e.g. Ctrl+End).
  • Bookmark issues.
  • URL mouse pointer shape issues.
  • Option dialog window resize issues on some monitor resolutions.
  • Some more scaling issues on high DPI screens.

Move cursor to next/previous word (Ctrl+left/right)

  • Made some changes to make sure the text cursor stops at the same positions when using the option to always stop at the beginning of a word and pressing Ctrl+left or Ctrl+right.

Delete next word (Ctrl+Delete)

  • Changed how Ctrl+Delete behaves. The default behavior should be the same as in VS Code or Sublime. Ctrl+Del deletes to the end of the next word.
  • Added options to change the behavior to delete to the start of next word and ignore symbols.

Triple click to select line

  • Added an option to enable/disable triple mouse click to select the current line.
  • Also fixed a few select issues.


  • Close program. In some circumstances you may have to close twice for the program to exit.
  • Double click select issue when using vertical cursor line.
  • Several find/replace issues.
  • SFTP connect issue.

Replace multiple expressions

  • Added a new feature to replace several expressions at once.
    It can be used on the current documents, all open documents, project files or on files in a folder.
    Each find/replace item holds a find and replace string plus options (case, match word, regular expression).
    Only checked items in the expression list is used.
    A menu item has been added in the search menu.


  • Made several changes to the search-bar and search dialog window to make it look cleaner, and I added several new features as well.
    Pin search items
    It is now possible to pin a search string. A pinned item will appear at the top of the find drop-down list with a pin icon beside it.
    Unpin search item
    A pinned item can also be unpinned. The find expression is then moved below the pinned items, in the list.
    Delete an item
    You can completely remove an item from the drop-down list.
    Clear All
    Clear all items in the drop-down list. A prompt is displayed to ask if you wish to remove all pinned items as well.

Editor toolbar

  • Added a "Capitalize" button.

Emmet abbreviations

  • Fixed some issues if tabs are used for indention.


  • Ctrl+Del issue.
  • Vertical cursor line issues.

Mini toolbar

  • Added a "Capitalize" button.
  • Made some minor visual changes.

Code hints

  • Made some code changes to make long text fit better inside the window and made some small size changes.

Auto completion

  • Added code to prevent the auto completion window to become wider than the current display.

Emmet abbreviations

  • Tabs are now used for indention unless the option to insert spaces is set in options.


  • Created a new "ScriptSettings" object with the following methods:
  • Use it to store settings in your scripts. All settings are stored to a file.
  • If you use "Temp" as section name - settings are stored in memory as long as the program is running, but not saved to file.


  • Added a new highlighter for Vyper.


  • Fixed an issue with #cs ... #ce block comments.

Updated tools

  • Syntax Editor. Minor visual fixes.
  • Image list Editor. Made some small improvements.


  • Search issue in the options window.

Move to next/previous word (Ctrl+Right/Left)

  • Added options to change the behavior.
    - Always move to beginning of word. This will include some symbols as well, like ()[]{}"'.
    - Ignore symbols. Will find letters and numbers. Symbols are ignored.
    Also, fixed a few issues.

Delete word (and previous word) (Ctrl+Del)

  • This function should ignore the options above.

Code hints

  • Added new items in the customize theme window to change hint colors.


  • The script error message should now include the line number and column were the error occurred.
    All TMemIniFile members should work properly now.


  • Main menu font issue.
  • A few issues in Syntax Editor.

Font Weight (Boldness)

  • The editor can now handle different font weights for different syntax elements like comments, strings, numbers...
  • E.g. you could set strings to be "ExtraBold" or comments to have "Medium" weight.
  • You can change weight for different syntax elements using the customize themes window. Open the highlighter tab and click on []b checkbox. In the list, that opens, select a weight.

Move to next/previous word (CTRL+Right/Left)

  • Changed how this works. It should work similarly to how it works in other editors like VS Code or Sublime.


  • Move the cursor to the beginning of a word, or to the right of open braces e.g. ([{


  • Move the cursor to the end of a word, or to the left of closing braces e.g. )]}

Set or change font in view menu

  • Removed the menu items to change font in the view menu. They were confusing to use and it wasn't clear whether they change a universal font for all file types, or an individual font using for the current file type (e.g. PHP).
  • Use options to set or change the font. If you want to quickly increase or decrease
  • the font size - use zoom.

Customize theme window

  • Made some resize improvements. The window size is now saved between sessions.


  • Comment blocks should be highlighted properly now.

Exception catcher (error report)

  • Removed the current error reporting tool. The program will use an internal error handler instead. It provides information that is easier to preview before sending. And it looks better.


  • Toggle comment and undo issues.
  • Wrap with abbreviation. E.g. 1 line selection and wrap with "p" should result in <p>selection</p>.
  • Minor issues.
RJ TextEd
オールフリーソフト(トップ)文書テキスト・入力関連RJ TextEd→RJ TextEd - 更新履歴

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