- Now compatible with Windows 10 version 1703 "Creators Update".
- No more separate builds for x86 and x64 Windows releases.
The single binary works in both versions.
- Fixed "move to group" behavior: first item in the group was not visible until you restart the app.
- Minor changes for better support of Windows 10.
- New feature - "Add an Administrative Tools item" allows you to add any Administrative Tools item quickly and easy.
- Workaround with Program Files(x86) folder.
Now shortcuts to that folder will be displayed properly in Win+X menu.
- Bug fixed: if you try to add a shortcut which is already in Win+X menu folder, then application will show you .NET framework error.
- New feature - "Add a Control Panel item" allows you to add any control panel applet including hidden like "Network Connections" or "All Tasks(God Mode)".
- Improved icons resolving for Win+X menu items
- "Add a program" now not a button but drop-down menu.
- Some very minor non-critical bugs are fixed
- Fixed a bug with built-in items renaming