- For users working with the delay time feature before refreshing browsers,
the delay time unit is now in seconds.
Previously, the unit was in milliseconds (ms); therefore,
if you've currently set for example 3000 milliseconds as your delay time, you can simply change it to 3 since: 1 second = 1000 ms.
Please make sure you've changed this otherwise Browser Refresh will end up delaying the refresh task for the set amount of time,
and this only if you've enabled file-saving.
- Fixed an issue with Powermax (at times) not being able to detect whether the laptop battery is charging or not.
Also added power source status in Powermax's tooltip.
- There are now a few implemented and handy shortcut keys you can work with whenever you're in the application's menu.
- You can now know if the version of Browser Refresh you're running has been allowed to launch on startup.
Previously, if you set one version to run on startup, all other versions would report the same.
Now however, any version running will report individually if allowed to run on startup and can also be allowed by clicking on the lightning icon in the application's menu.
Note also that this will overwrite the one currently set.
- Powermax will now be able to continuously notify you even after the maximum charge level has been reached and/or exceeded when being notified using the dialog window.
Previously, once the charge level (for example 99%) has been exceeded,
the dialog notification would automatically disappear.
This helps curb issues with laptops whose batteries are quickly rechargeable or may be wearing out.
- Browser Refresh is now backward-compatible with any previous version's settings.
This is to mean that if you have manually downloaded any newer releases than the current one you're using,
you can simply copy the application.user-settings file located in the Resources\Settings folder path and proceed to using your newly downloaded release.
- Fixed a critical issue in version 2.0.0 that kept stopping the application from running smoothly when started.
- Fixed an issue with the automatic startup-launcher icon status not indicating correctly when the feature is enabled or disabled.
- You'll now be able to get notified on all the latest releases and download them right from your desktop without requiring any browser.
Once a System Tray notification appears informing you of a new version available, you can click on the notification to begin downloading the new release.
Once finished, you'll be able to view the download in a folder named Browser Refresh Updates which will always be located in your Downloads folder.
All your current settings will be copied to the newly downloaded release.
- Made some few user interface improvements.
- Added: You'll now be able to easily allow Browser Refresh to launch automatically on Windows startup.
This can be done simply by clicking on the lightning icon found at the top-right area of the options menu.
Once enabled, a lightning icon with an "A" at the bottom will be displayed; if disabled a lightning icon with two "diagonal cuts" will be displayed.
(By default, it's disabled).
- Improved Powermax (a battery charge notification utility).
Previously, Powermax only notified you once after your maximum charging level had reached (not unless the charging level was once again changed from the configuration options).
Well, now you'll always get notified when the maximum charging level you set has been reached, allowing you to get the potential benefits of this feature while using your PC.
You'll now also not need to close the notification dialog displayed after the level has been reached; instead,
you'll only need to disconnect the charger from the socket or remove the charging cable that will then close the dialog "automagically".
- Reduced the option menu window's animation.
- Added support for Vivaldi Browser.
You can now choose "Vivaldi Browser" as your preferred browser for refreshing in the browser selection option or let it be refreshed with all the other supported browsers on selecting "All supported browsers".
- Fixed an issue where one could not set the soft-refresh hotkey while in the hard-refresh hotkey dialog and vice versa.
- Improved the browser detection feature that allows you to switch back-and-forth between your selected browser and your workspace.
- Improved the user-interface.
- Added: You can now easily send me your feedback on bugs, comments, feature requests or even a vote of thanks right from the application's menu just by clicking on the "send me your issues or comments" option added.
- Added: Powermax, a small utility that lets you get notified on your battery charging levels whenever the maximum charge percentage you've set has been reached.
This little feature may be of help to most users/developers who work with laptops or Windows tablet devices.
When enabled, Browser Refresh will be able to notify you if and when your battery has reached your set maximum charge when connected to a power socket.
You can access Powermax options by clicking on the battery icon located at the top-right corner of the application's menu bar.
- You can now check for the latest updates from the application's menu.
This will let you be notified of any newer releases and direct you to the download page with ease if any is posted.
- Added support for Blisk Browser.
You can now choose "Blisk Browser" as your preferred browser for refreshing in the browser selection option or let it be refreshed with all the other supported browsers on selecting "All supported browsers".
You can also enable/disable automatic refreshing of web pages from Browser Refresh when using Blisk if auto-refresh is currently enabled in the browser.
- Added release date information when checking out the currently running application version from the command-line.
- You can now view the version number of the currently running Browser Refresh instance in the tooltip displayed on hovering over the System Tray icon.
- You can now easily close the application's menu by double-clicking on the title bar.
- The keys D0 through to D9 will now be converted to numeric when being displayed to avoid confusion by users.
- Fixed an issue with Browser Refresh not being able to switch back to the user's workspace from Yandex Browser after a refresh task has occurred.
- Browser Refresh now supports automatic saving of your files in editing applications such as the basic Windows Notepad, Sublime Text,
and Notepad++ right before a browser refresh occurs.
With this feature also is a setting to apply some delay time before a browser refresh occurs immediately after saving your files.
This will allow for files such as Sass to be compiled before a web page in your browser(s) has been refreshed.
(By default, this setting is enabled)
- Added a quick homepage link in the "About" window.
- Added command-line option -v to let you check the currently running or executable version of the application.
- Changed the default soft refresh hotkey to Control + 1 (or Control + D1) and the hard refresh hotkey to Control + 2 (or Control + D2) .
- Changed the startup notification to also include the hard refresh hotkey.
You will now view both the soft and hard refresh hotkeys on startup.
- Fixed an issue with the hotkey configuration dialogs rejecting cancels when a user has changed the current hotkey.
- Fixed an issue where the "workspace-to-browser" switching tasks were not being handled effectively immediately after the current hotkey(s) are modified while the browser focus is setting enabled.
Now you can seamlessly switch back-and-forth from your workspace to your browser(s) even after changing the hotkey(s) when the browser-focus setting has been enabled.
- Fixed an issue with the hard refresh hotkey scripts not working as expected.
You'll now be able to hard refresh all the supported browsers.
- Removed all Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 dependencies from Browser Refresh.
If you ever experienced any issues with Browser Refresh requesting for the above framework to be installed before use,
then gladly this time it won't.
This was due to a particular feature targeting the framework at some specific points.
This has now however been dealt with for this and all future releases.