- Important tests and reviews of the Experience Index OK app for the upcoming Windows operating system
- Updates to the language files in the Experience Index OK app!
- Necessary adjustments to the app made
- Implementation of minor adjustments and optimizations to the Experience Index for all Microsoft Windows operating systems.
- General fine-tuning has been conducted to enhance the accuracy and relevance of the evaluations.
- Important updates have been made to the language files to ensure an optimal user experience in various languages.
- Implementation of minor adjustments and optimizations to the Experience Index for all Microsoft Windows operating systems.
- General fine-tuning has been conducted to enhance the accuracy and relevance of the evaluations.
- Important updates have been made to the language files to ensure an optimal user experience in various languages.
- New code sign certificate for Experience-Index-OK.exe
- Critical tests of performance index application for next MS Windows 11/10 update
- Updating language files in the performance index tool
- Important update of the language files in the performance index tool for Windows
- General tuning and improvements.
- Bugfix in the version number and small adjustments in the ExperienceIndexOK
- BugFix in the multi language support and detection of the default language
- Update of the language files ExperienceIndexOK
- Review and test of Experience-Index-OK on Windows 11 22H2
- Small adjustments in ExperienceIndexOK and update of the language files
- Small adjustments in the Experience-Index-OK for all MS Windows OS
- Update of the language and new language for Experience-Index-OK: Vietnamese
- Testing and verifying on the latest Windows 10 and 11 builds.
- Important update of the language files.
- Important tests of Experience-Index-OK on Windows 11
- New language: Bosnian / Croatian / Serbian
- Verification Experience-Index-OK on MS Windows 11 OS
- Update of the language files in Experience-Index-OK